Led wall and Video Productions.

Rental Services.

Capturing the attention of the public, impressing an image in the visitor’s memory, excite and amaze. These are fundamental concepts that lead to the success of the brand. Today many possible solutions and devices can be used but there is a solution for every need.

Video Productions.

Creating a corporate video, a commercial, a product video or a corporate showreel for an event means instant communicationinforming with precision, amaze and excitement. All this in a single suggestive moment. The passage of the visitor, who is involved and attracted by the communication, lingers, is the lead point of your message.

See all our solutions


– Led wall, Curved Led, Transparent Led, Floor Led
– Videowall
– Led Screen
– Large-screens
– Touch screen, Tablet Pc and IoT
– Multimedia totems
– Gear AV/VR
– Oculus
– Video footage
– Sound and lighting systems

We are spread throughout Italian and European territory. We rent, install and provide assistance in all major exhibition and congress areas, guaranteeing specialized technical personnel during all phases of the event.
