The Customer Experience in the digital age.

The Customer Experience in the digital age.

The Customer Experience in the digital age.

The Customer Experience refers to a series of experiences and sensations that the customer experiences through the interactions he has with the company, using various channels, which can be from word of mouth, advertising or social media up to positive feedback. And this process can take place both in B2B and B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer or Co-Buying).

A good CX is essential for the marketing strategy since the success of a company and its brand is determined on the basis of the customer’s positive or negative experiences, consequently a satisfied customer will always be a guarantee. It is Customer eXperience Management that governs this business discipline.

Now with the development of the digital world, the customer wants more meaningful, immersive and unique experiences, so an engaging and well-structured CX becomes essential to gain more and more space in the digital market.

So how to take advantage of the digital platforms through CX?

Starting from the Customer Journey, thus creating that connection that is expressed through interactions between the customer and the company. It is now clear that CX is increasingly carving out a fundamental role in the world of digital platforms and marketing, consequently this leads us to talk about Omni-channel, a strategy that is used to optimize the customer experience by using all points at the same time. contact or (touchpoint) possible. Real-time interaction through one-to-one calls and chat, the ability to download documents and videos selected from menus, the experience of visiting different interactive environments, participating in webinars and online marketing. The physical and digital worlds coexist and merge in the Phigital Customer Experience.

Have your castomized digital platform.

Saci Project has been able to adapt to the culture of technological innovation by offering a simple and intuitive tool for creating digital events, product marketing, and corporate networking, through 3D visual communication where you can experience the digital customer experience of a real event on the web.

Onboarding takes place through a reserved link, obtained by pre-registering from a dedicated landing page. 

The digital world has never been so user-friendly.

Virtual Events & More: Let’s start.

The Home for your first exploratory orientation, the Info to interact with a connected assistant in real-time, the on demand to view all the videos that your guest will make available to you. Furthermore, The Auditorium to participate in live streaming to events and presentations, the Lounge for informal meetings, a convivial situation of relaxation with interactive chats and dedicated call channels, the Exposition or Sponsor Area, where business takes shape.

A branded environment with available assistants, live presentations, re-served chats, product catalogs, videos and technical info, all dedicated to the product and experience. Finally, the Swag Bag, your personal download area, where you can download the documentation collected while on the platform.

La Customer Experience - CX

Virtual Event & More your interactive digital platform, GDPR compliance, designed for the Lead generation, connected to the most usual profiling tools to follow your customer and improve their experience day after day.

Come to discover all the possible customizations. 
